Monthly Archives: June 2010

How far do you go on your first blog?

So, you’re sitting there. You’ve been building up to this moment for weeks or even months. You’ve heard others talking about it, but you want to find out first hand as to what all the fuss is about. Understandably you’re nervous; after all it’s your first time and you’re desperate to make a good impression…. […]

Taking an innovative approach in challenging times

COI Chief Executive Mark Lund recently said that the new Government’s spending cuts will cause a fundamental shift in the way it does what it does. For me, he’s right when he says we have to push the boundaries and rethink the channel mix. As an award-winning marketing and communications company which has worked with […]

Cooking cream cakes

I like the announcement today that the European health body – NICE – is calling for artificial  trans-fats to be eliminated from foods such as biscuits, cakes and fast food because it’s helping people  to be healthier without even having to change their eating habits.  If we are such an intelligent civilisation, I think it […]

It only takes a small nudge to make for a big change!

The winner of winner of our UK National Stop Smoking Cessation Conference ‘Nudge’ competition is announced… What a conference – some fantastic conversations, some great thinking and some exciting examples of how to engage with hard to those hard to reach quitters! One of the key messages for me was just how much of an […]

The kids are alright

Marketing Week has commissioned new research in to how children react to Marketing, revealing that they have a sophisticated awareness of brands and their “coolness” factor.  Exclusive quantitative and qualitative research was commissioned to investigate the brand awareness of six to eleven year olds. Perhaps unsurprisingly, kids were able to correctly match logos to well […]

Plugging people into public sector reform

The deficit hawks have been circling for weeks now, as widespread media coverage is given to the deficit and the new conventional wisdom that the only way to resolve it is through cuts in the public sector. Now our colleagues and partners in local authorities and NHS organisations around the country are treading water as […]

Putting our stamp on the Glasgow Conference

Never one  to miss an opportunity, myself and colleagues from our award winning Social Marketing team have set up camp here at the UK National Stop Smoking Cessation Conference 2010, up in Glasgow.  Our stay since Sunday evening has been fantastic; there has been an outstanding presence at the event which really strikes home how […]

ICE breaks out new website

At ICE we’re proud, that for the last 10 years, we’ve been able to work with national organisations, local communities and individuals to promote and implement positive behaviour change. As the country’s leading change agency we’ve become experts at reshaping people’s lives, but over the last few months we’ve turned the table on ourselves and […]

Old Blood makes way for New Blood

I came across this new campaign from D&AD to promote its annual student event, love it or hate it, its seems to be creating a bit of a stir… “After the reaction to last year’s campaign for its New Blood event, D&AD has taken a different tack with its latest promotional work. The posters feature […]