Monthly Archives: July 2010

Is the British “cafe culture” an impossible dream?

Whilst in that post-holiday haze (as I currently am following two delightful weeks traversing Die Autobahn through Austria and Germany), it’s easy for us Brits to lament such idyllic experiences in their immediate aftermath. Why is it always so grey here? (certainly a question that sprung to mind coming into land amid an apparent explosion-in-a-cotton-wool-factory […]

Funny Behaviour….Satire & Social Change?

I blame Peter Sellers. Before inflatable hunchback disguises and accosting Parisian beggars and their “minkeys” he was a Goon. One of four subversive comedians in post war Britain providing irreverent comment on the state of a nation through observing the idiosyncrasies of ordinary people in extraordinary times. The country was hooked, it was a staple […]

We won’t get Big Society if we don’t listen to all parts of society

Most readers will be aware that at ICE we conduct lots of social research through the Research wing of our company. When recently examining social norms at a school in the North East, the young people were asked “Which non-celebrity do you look up to outside of your family?” As you might expect, answers varied […]