Monthly Archives: October 2010

So, will “La Revoluçion” be Twitter-ized?

Twitter. Facebook. We all know them now. A lot of us use them. A lot of us use them for different things. A number of us at ICE are on Twitter now in various forms, ranging from the “just-starting-out” to the “tentative” to the “full blown addict” . Generally speaking, we all tend to combine […]

Bobbies on the Tweet: publicity or public engagement?

On Thursday last week, Greater Manchester Police broke new ground by using a 24 hour Twitter feed to log every 999 call that came in to them. It was a fantastic way to show the diversity of calls that they receive and their effective response strategies – arrests, warrants and  community champions. Picked up by […]

NHS comms staff need to become agents of change

    Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Association of Healthcare Communications and Marketing conference. A trend among the presentations was one of exploring the uncertain future: what is going to happen to social marketing? How could comms staff secure their future? Will GP consortia understand the comms function? It’s a […]