Monthly Archives: March 2011

Embracing and Leading Continuous Improvement Change Programmes

From our experience, we have a view that supporting sustainable long-term change offers an opportunity to create a ‘step change’ in the thinking and behaviour of leaders within any organisation. We believe that this can help build improved capability within your teams and substantially improve service capacity, whilst achieving efficiencies. At ICE, we have experience […]

ICE needs you!

Download a sample of our ideas here   We want to know what you think of our design ideas, including graphic styles, colours, fonts, photography and illustrations. Have a look and let us know what you think by completing our very short survey (five questions) to send us your feedback – all feedback is anonymous. […]

Nudging young people’s attitudes towards smoking through film and social media

In the latest of our guest blogs, Director of anti-smoking charity The Deborah Hutton Campaign, Lucinda Shaw, examines the power of social media in communicating complex public health messages to young people…. I think as adults, we often perceive young people as ‘tough’, ‘hard to reach’ and ‘difficult to understand’.  Knowing how to communicate between […]

The Design Thinking approach to change communications

Head of the ICE Agency, Henry Platten outlines our collaborative approach to involving colleagues, partners and citizens in designing visions and communications, in a changing landscape. Change is a constant feature of life, and it hardly needs restating that we live and work in challenging and uncertain times, where the momentum of change has been […]

It’s no longer just a case of cut & and paste…

How do we stay creative with ever decreasing client budgets? We’re in challenging times and nowhere more so than in the arena of design and creativity. Clients’ budgets are being cut, ideas and concepts are being scrutinised with more vigour than ever before and creatives are being put under more and more pressure to come […]