Monthly Archives: March 2012

Your Essential Guide: Engaging and Encouraging Breastfeeding Mums

It’s fair to say recent media stories about breastfeeding may have left some mums feeling confused and conflicted about how best to support their baby. So it’s more important than ever to ensure breastfeeding mums and their families have access to the information and support they need – where and when they need it. In […]

Saints and Slimmers – the ICE fitness challenge

It’s always the same… “That’s it, I’m on a diet!”, “I’m joining a gym!” – but we never do. The intention is there, we just can’t get motivated. There are so many reasons we all want to lose weight and get fitter; weddings, holidays… clothes that used to fit. Equally, there are many reasons for […]

Using Social Media to meet the Export Challenge

Earlier this week I was invited to speak at a UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) ‘Export Challenge’ event. The UKTI says exporters are 12 times more likely to survive than other businesses and the session was all about inspiring and supporting small businesses to encourage exports and spread into new markets. So it was great […]

The power of branding and design for social good

Branding and design can do so much more than help raise awareness of an issue.  It has the power to engage and empower people to change for the better, supporting sustainable behaviour change on a range of key social issues.  Whether it’s public health, community safety or environmental responsibility, effective design has been integral to […]

What to measure and how to measure it?

We tend to want to measure things in all walks of life: in business, at home, in sport etc.  We do this for two main reasons.  We want to see how things are going (“great, we are doing better now…”) and we want to be able to predict the future (“okay, we are confident we […]

Supporting sustainable efficiencies: An Essential Guide in a new Policing Landscape

The public election of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) later this year comes amid fervent debate around resourcing and the impact of ever-decreasing budgets on frontline policing services. According to the Home Office, the stated aims of the PCCs are to cut crime, ensure community needs are met and make a difference to the lives […]

The Government’s Work Placement Scheme: Where’s the informed debate?

The last week has seen a fair bit of debate going on about the Government’s Work Placement Scheme, which is aimed at 16–24 year olds on JSA (Job Seekers Allowance) and is intended to get unemployed youngsters back into work.  Controversy is bubbling up from the Right to Work campaign – amongst others – claiming […]