Monthly Archives: April 2012

Building a great website in three(ish) steps

So what is the “right way” to create a new website? Well, it’s not always an easy process – but there’s no reason it shouldn’t be simple. When it comes to creating that new website that will help people to engage with your service more effectively, help you sell more of your product range, or […]

Behavioural support: the key to smoke free futures?

The latest NICE guidelines highlight the delivery of brief interventions as a high impact change which encourages more people to smoke less. Typically taking 5-10 minutes, brief interventions offer opportunistic advice, discussion or encouragement – and are having a big impact on communities. For instance, our Stop4Life work in the Midlands focuses on meeting local […]

The ICE Fitness Challenge: Week Five

With Easter just around the corner and supermarket shelves stacked full of chocolate eggs, you’d be forgiven for thinking the efforts of ICE’s 12 fitness buddies have slacked over the past few weeks. However, the team taking part in the ICE Fitness Challenge are just as determined (if not more so) to get fitter and […]

What to measure and how to measure it: PART 2

In my recent blog on measures and sampling, I said: “A key principle for the effective use of data is to ensure it’s viewed in context.  By this I mean not comparing one number with another but having sufficient data to analyse properly and doing so in graphical form.  One of the best ways of […]