Monthly Archives: August 2012

When Fitclub met the holiday season…

Everyone in the ICE Fitclub (a group of 10 or so, fit and healthy ‘wannabies’) had finally got into their stride with sensible eating and regular exercise. Even though everyone had  their own routine, their own diet and their own weekly targets, we all found a way to encourage each other, whilst enjoying the challenge […]

More Effective Planning Services: Your Essential Guide

Meeting the challenge of delivering ‘better for less’ has never been more important, but our work with local authorities provides a practical framework which could help you improve planning services, reduce costs and deliver clear, measurable outcomes for citizens. Download a pdf version of this guide here or read on for our five top tips….. […]

How to overcome fear of change: Five steps to empower your workforce

The only constant is impermanence. We often have to change, either at home, at work or our social lives to adapt to the new situation or environment we find ourselves in. A few people welcome change but most can be a bit wary of it, to say the least. So, given that change is inevitable, […]

What’s better – being controversial or being authentic?

Being provocative is nothing new in advertising and marketing. Since the year dot, ads have used sex to sell products, for example, even tire valve caps. The recent attempt at using controversial ‘humour’ by Hakanoa Ginger Beer in New Zealand proved particularly disastrous as they link their product with red haired children. Unsurprisingly, they’ve apologised […]

Making Change Happen: Six Steps to Effective Leadership

As a leader, we know you want to unlock your organisation’s full potential so it can achieve what it’s truly capable of. Drawing on our wide-ranging experience working across the UK, and harnessing renowned author Peter Scholte’s Leadership Competencies, here’s our quick guide to empowering your leaders to emerge stronger, more focused and able to […]

Britain – an authentic brand?

Arch Monarchists and fundamentalist Republicans alike, have not been shy of expressing their opinions about the state of the age-old concept of ‘Britishness’ of late. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the twice yearly St George’s flag-a-thon that characterises England’s woeful involvement in another international football tournament and the widely successful London Olympics have raised the usual questions […]

Olympics: a motivator for change?

The London 2012 Olympic Games are in full swing and at just over a week in, the gold medals for Team GB are already clocking up. However, many Briton’s are probably spending more time than usual sitting down, glued to a TV screen or watching online. I confess! I’m one of them – filled with […]

Top tips for building a public sector website

Reaching out to target audiences, communicating, engaging and supporting them, is at the heart of every successful public sector website. However, there are a number of things that contribute to the build of a good website. We’ve highlighted a few principles that underpin this approach, irrespective of the purpose and target audience. In our experience, […]