Monthly Archives: November 2012

Behaviour change: smoking cessation

With 2013 fast approaching and over 100,000 people in the UK dying from smoking related causes, we know that now, more than ever, more needs to be done to support our communities and protect our most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Not only that, but we understand that you need people-centred solutions which support behaviour change […]

Behaviour Change: a few key principles

Refreshing news from the Department of Health: there has been a complete overhaul of its behaviour change marketing programmes, bringing them all under a coherent strategy. At the UK Social Marketing Conference in London last week, DH marketing supremo, Dan Metcalfe, outlined a fresh new approach and the delegates were impressed. The overhaul has offered […]

Smartphone Apps: is your strategy correct?

Interest in mobile phone applications – ‘apps’ – is at its highest lately with more and more people seeing the benefits. We’ve seen this first hand with many clients requiring an app – usually one that runs on iPhone and Android. However, they aren’t the only platforms around and you could be limiting the success […]

Efficiency and Effectiveness: Five Top Tips

Efficiency and effectiveness are often mistaken as similar terms. However, they are quite different and whilst both are relevant, it is important to distinguish between them. By understanding the difference between the two, a better improvement plan can be devised. We’ve highlighted five top tips to help understand the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of Efficiency […]