Monthly Archives: February 2014

Lean – what really makes it work?

Using lean as a methodology for driving change works. There are many proven results to back this up – be it within the smallest of organisations, the largest global business, or within the public and private sector. However, whilst some initial benefits can be realised, as a technical methodology, lean does not always realise the […]

Audience Segmentation: designing the way we engage

Do you ever ask yourself “how do I engage with everyone in a way that makes things happen, and that’s ‘sticky’ for my audience?” Think about yourself… what type of sleeper are you: shallow and light, deep and unconscious? Do you move lots? Do you snore? Do you wake up lots or are you out […]

Help your communities to Choose Well

So far this winter, more than 415,000 people have attended A&E right across the UK. Not only that, but the latest figures hitting the headlines tell a startling story… Over 21 million attendances at A&E each year 2,000,000 inappropriate attendances Cost per attendance ranging from £59 to £124 A minimum of £118,000,000 could be saved […]

In times of change, how do you get your team used to feeling uncomfortable?

We all know how difficult change is. Fire and Rescue Services have so many changes happening right now; your team feel vulnerable, behaviours change and can be unpredictable. In challenging times, what we need is collaboration. But how do you achieve this culture shift? Maybe there is a way. We call it “So-Change” and it’s […]

Do you have some tough tobacco control challenges to tackle in 2014?

Do you have some tough tobacco control challenges to tackle in 2014? Do you want to maximise the outcomes of your stop smoking services? Are you wrestling with issues such as e-cigarettes or DNA management? If so, then we have tried and tested solutions drawn from our experience of working with providers and commissioners up […]