Monthly Archives: June 2014

Sugar, obesity and the role of ‘sugar tax’

I’m the first to hold up my hands and admit it – I’ve got a sweet tooth. The first step towards solving the problem is admitting that there is one, and when judgement day has come (i.e. the appointment with the dentist), I have paid the price for my dalliance with sugary delights. What can […]

Why birthdays – and Puffell – make me happy

Today, team ICE are celebrating. That’s because one year ago we launched Puffell – an exciting new social media platform to help people be happier, healthier and improve their wellbeing. ‘Birthdays’ and ‘Puffell’ – two words that, for me, mean happiness and a reason to celebrate. Why? Well, let’s start with birthdays. I don’t know about […]