Monthly Archives: July 2014

How to beat the holiday blues

With the holiday season firmly upon us and many of us looking to jet off to sunnier climes, we all know the bliss of taking time out from the daily grind, but is there a way to maximise the power of our ‘holiday brain’ and reap the benefits when we get home? Waking up to […]

If you’re happy and you know it…

Are you happy? Are you content? Do you know the difference? Is there a difference? It’s something I’ve given a lot of thought to – I always thought I was happy. I laughed almost every day, felt settled at home and at work… but did that mean I was happy? Or did I not really […]

Chronically ill and unemployed: benefits of returning to work

Is it harder to get a job with a long-term condition? Times are tough these days and if you’re looking for a job right now, you’ll know that more than most. Getting your CV to the top of the pile seems like an impossible task. I know – I’ve been there! What if you were […]

Junk food unsafe for children

Fast food is bad, it makes you fat. Don’t eat junk food. Blah Blah Blah… You’ve heard it all before haven’t you? What’s wrong with taking your kids to fast food restaurants a few times a week or month – where’s the harm in a happy meal? Fast food is damaging your children’s bodies – […]

The Upside of Downtime

Sleep deprivation is a nightmare (pardon the pun). Not getting enough shut-eye is something that one in three of us experience at some point in our lives, and it has a significant affect on what we get up to during the day. Lack of sleep affects all aspects of our cognitive and physical performance. It […]