Monthly Archives: October 2014

Stoptober draws to an end

You made it! A whole month smoke-free and still going from strength to strength. It’s time to give yourself a well-earned pat on the back, and not only look back at all of the hard work you have put in, but to look to the future and all of the benefits to continuing your life […]

Stoptober: The final hurdles

For those taking part in Stoptober, there is around three weeks as a non-smoker under your belt: time to sit back and appreciate all of the positives associated with being smoke-free. By now, you should be starting to feel the health benefits; you may feel that you have a bit more puff and you can […]

Beyond happiness to wholeness

There are so many books, blogs and social media posts out there about positive emotions and happiness, that we may be forgiven for sometimes forgetting how our darker, more negative emotions and states can actually be really beneficial too. I often engage with people across social media and digital platforms (Entheos, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, […]

Stoptober two week milestone

The two week milestone is approaching and although many people are settling in to their new life as a non-smoker, many people will be finding it challenging. As a stop smoking adviser, I see many people, often with similar withdrawal symptoms, including: Irritability and mood swings Restlessness and disturbed sleep Headaches and difficulty concentrating Increased […]