Monthly Archives: March 2015

Puffell supports International Day of Happiness

I’m very happy that the team at Puffell ( are supporting #InternationalDayofHappiness, 2015. Every year, Action for Happiness uses the 20th of March as a platform to launch a campaign to promote positive social action for a happier world. The theme always focuses attention on an important social issue related to wellbeing; this year, our […]

The 101 practical guide to creating sustained behaviour change

It is fair to say most public health professionals have a good grasp of behaviour change theories. The challenge is understanding exactly how behavioural theories are used in an effective, evidence-based and scalable way. Having spent 16 years supporting public health teams deliver outstanding results in their communities, we have witnessed how teams can initially […]

What colour is the dress?

It seems the whole world was looking at one dress last week, and it was nothing to do with a celebrity on the red carpet. Just a basic question about a normal dress – ‘What colour is this dress?’ What I found really interesting about this was the debate: “It’s obviously white and gold”, “what […]