Monthly Archives: June 2015

The Student Experience Journey

It’s the time of year when A level papers have all been sat and the thoughts of the students turn firmly towards results day and the all important grades. For Universities however the hard work in respect of new students started a long time ago. From outreach and recruitment work, through to open days, applications […]

GET MON£YSMART campaign is a big winner on the night

We are thrilled to announce that ICE’s GET MON£YSMART campaign for Rochdale Borough Council has been awarded a silver Nudgey in the Health category at the world’s first behaviour change awards. The Nudge Awards were developed by Ogilvy Change, part of international advertising, marketing and PR agency Ogilvy & Mather, to recognise standards of excellence […]


ICE campaign shortlisted for high profile behaviour change award With the first ever Nudge Awards soon approaching, we are delighted to announce that ICE has been shortlisted in the Health category for our GET MON£YSMART campaign, which we developed and delivered on behalf of Rochdale Borough Council. The Nudge Awards are organised by Ogilvy Change […]