Author Archives: icecreates

Transforming Tewkesbury – a winning partnership!

Last week I had the pleasure of spending time at the IRRV national conference with the Revenues & Benefits Team from Tewkesbury Borough Council – and what an event it turned out to be! 12 months ago ICE began working on a transformation programme with the service and the conference was the culmination and celebration […]

Stoptober Halfway

As you reach the two week milestone on your Stoptober smoke free journey, you may be feeling that things are getting more challenging rather than easier. Although it can be tricky, motivation and determination are often high as you navigate your way through your first few days smoke free. As the days go on, the part of […]

You can’t do it on your own?

Stoptober is upon us and the feeling deep down is that you want to quit smoking; or is it a vague feeling that you should? Is it just that the nagging has to stop eventually? We always look for the positive in any new thing that we do. It enables us to focus on an […]

Engage on Puffell this Social Media Week

September 14-18 is a Global Social Media Week celebration with conferences in London and across the Globe. Social Media Week is a leading news platform and worldwide conference that curates and shares the best ideas, innovations and insights into how social media and technology are changing business, society and culture around the world. Human connectivity […]

What are you doing to promote healthy living in your workspace?

  What do we know about routine? We know people who work regular shift patterns tend to develop a routine. Between waking up and going to bed it is likely that they’ll perform the same daily rituals without thought and out of habit. A poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle can far too easily become a part […]

Behaviour Change to reduce harm from smoking

The dangers of exposure to second-hand smoke are well documented, with changes to the law making it illegal to smoke in most workplaces and enclosed public spaces in the UK since July 2007. However despite this, the number of smoking households in Britain is increasing every year with significant numbers of adults and children exposed […]

Your Natural Leaders and Young Natural Leaders

A new form of leadership and team-building training is taking the business world by storm – using sheepdogs to allow leaders and managers to hone the art of gentle and non-aggressive personnel management. We call it Natural Leaders By working with the natural elements of shepherding and sheep farming, managers attending the innovative courses in the beautiful […]

Join Public Health England and others using an innovative new digital wellness ecosystem

Your organisation can join Public Health England and others using an innovative new digital wellness ecosystem We would like to say a Big Thank You to everyone who visited our stand at the Health + Care Commissioning Show 2015 at the ExCeL in London this June. The feedback we had about Puffell and how it […]

The Student Experience Journey

It’s the time of year when A level papers have all been sat and the thoughts of the students turn firmly towards results day and the all important grades. For Universities however the hard work in respect of new students started a long time ago. From outreach and recruitment work, through to open days, applications […]

GET MON£YSMART campaign is a big winner on the night

We are thrilled to announce that ICE’s GET MON£YSMART campaign for Rochdale Borough Council has been awarded a silver Nudgey in the Health category at the world’s first behaviour change awards. The Nudge Awards were developed by Ogilvy Change, part of international advertising, marketing and PR agency Ogilvy & Mather, to recognise standards of excellence […]