Tag Archives: alcohol

Driving sustainable change around alcohol misuse

With the latest annual figures from ONS (Office of National Statistics) confirming an 11% rise in the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions, it’s more important than ever to take a flexible, needs-based approach to alcohol misuse. The statistics also show that there’s been a 2.1% increase in primary diagnosis alcohol conditions (198,900 for 2010/11) since […]

What’s in your glass?

  I have mixed feelings about the Government’s new ‘sneaky drinks’ Change4Life TV ad. Overall, I think it’s got a lot of appeal.  But, by focusing on ‘glasses’ and not ‘units’ I do think it misses a key point.   This ad specifically talks about the number of glasses people consume, but the fact is […]

The Government’s Responsibility Deal: A real commitment to sustainable behaviour change?

The recent post by the Lancet (and my response here) reminded me about the extent to which the Government’s Responsibility Deal remains widely regarded with suspicion by many in public health and the voluntary sector. At its launch many commentators described it as “a mess” that needs to be “more ambitious”. The pledges were felt […]

Your Essential Guide: Tackling Alcohol Abuse in our Communities

Alcohol Awareness Week (14-20 November 2011) is turning the spotlight on the growing issue of alcohol misuse in our communities. According to Alcohol Concern: Every minute alcohol-related problems cost the UK economy around £48,000 Every hour more than 100 people go into hospital in England and Wales with an alcohol-related condition Every day more than […]