Tag Archives: behaviour

Your Natural Leaders and Young Natural Leaders

A new form of leadership and team-building training is taking the business world by storm – using sheepdogs to allow leaders and managers to hone the art of gentle and non-aggressive personnel management. We call it Natural Leaders By working with the natural elements of shepherding and sheep farming, managers attending the innovative courses in the beautiful […]

How to avoid the pitfalls of ‘Channel Shift’…

Channel Shift – the process of getting customers to use a different ‘channel’ with which they contact your organisation or business – is a major consideration when delivering great value for money. Whether public or private sector, making sure your customers and citizens are engaging with you in the most efficient way is often a […]

Was ‘Dry January’ good for your health?

Dry January, a campaign run every year by Alcohol Concern, encourages people to stay dry for the 31 days in January  – assumingly because people eat and drink far too much over the Christmas period and then make several New Year Resolutions to not eat and drink again. Its catch phrase ‘Can you stay off […]

Smokeless Does Not Mean Harmless

As most health professionals know, smokeless does not mean harmless. Despite this, there is often a view among users that smokeless tobacco products are a healthier option to cigarettes – or at worse, seen as beneficial to people’s health. Download a pdf version of this blog here In fact, the use of smokeless tobacco is […]

Your five top tips: Making the most of social media

80% of people online can be reached through social media Every 1 in 4.5 minutes online are spent on a social site in the UK. While many people want to ‘do something with social media’, they often aren’t aware of how it fits in with their existing communications – or don’t realise its full potential […]

Listening to young people – Innovation, creativity and engagement

What does it take to truly engage young people – and drive sustainable changes in their behaviour? Ask yourself, are you listening to their wants and needs? Do you understand what makes them tick? The truth is, there is no ‘one size fits all’ and ensuring young people are at the heart of any intervention […]

What do quotes really mean to the reader?

So many blogs, articles and websites include a range of ‘useful quotes’ from famous names. Some are moving, some inspirational and some are funny.  Some quotes can say something meaningful, whilst having interpretation next to them. If they are taken as meaningful to us, rather than just words of historical and academic interest, then maybe, […]

Five key steps for more effective Streetscene services

It’s been proven that effective Streetscene services enable communities to claim back their public spaces, making them feel safer and cleaner, and reducing anti-social behaviour. Drawing on a wealth of experience working in local environments, you can download five key steps for more effective Streetscene services  or read on here for more: 1. Foster a sense […]

This Christmas and New Year, help your communities access the right services, in the right place, at the right time

Driving down inappropriate use of unscheduled and urgent care is a major public health challenge as the number of people attending A&E continues to rise. With Christmas and New Year just around the corner, you may be asking what you can do, in order to reduce the pressure on urgent care over the holiday season […]