Tag Archives: behaviour change

Behaviour Change to reduce harm from smoking

The dangers of exposure to second-hand smoke are well documented, with changes to the law making it illegal to smoke in most workplaces and enclosed public spaces in the UK since July 2007. However despite this, the number of smoking households in Britain is increasing every year with significant numbers of adults and children exposed […]

Your Natural Leaders and Young Natural Leaders

A new form of leadership and team-building training is taking the business world by storm – using sheepdogs to allow leaders and managers to hone the art of gentle and non-aggressive personnel management. We call it Natural Leaders By working with the natural elements of shepherding and sheep farming, managers attending the innovative courses in the beautiful […]


ICE campaign shortlisted for high profile behaviour change award With the first ever Nudge Awards soon approaching, we are delighted to announce that ICE has been shortlisted in the Health category for our GET MON£YSMART campaign, which we developed and delivered on behalf of Rochdale Borough Council. The Nudge Awards are organised by Ogilvy Change […]

The Role of Behaviour Change in Local Authorities Transformation

It is fair to say most public health, organisational development and HR professionals have a good grasp of behaviour change theories. The challenge is understanding exactly how behavioural theories are used in an effective, evidence-based and scalable way. Having spent 16 years supporting local authorities teams deliver outstanding results in their communities, we have witnessed […]

The Role of Social Media in Behaviour Change Social Marketing

Sustainable behaviour change is achieved after more than just the promotion of Health & Wellbeing quotes, tips and blogs via Facebook and Twitter shares likes and retweets. It requires change agents / social marketing professionals to get “in the shoes of citizens” and engage in Behavioural Insight Research + Science + Storytelling. Social Media is […]

Beyond happiness to wholeness

There are so many books, blogs and social media posts out there about positive emotions and happiness, that we may be forgiven for sometimes forgetting how our darker, more negative emotions and states can actually be really beneficial too. I often engage with people across social media and digital platforms (Entheos, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, […]

Effective Cancer Interventions: Five Key Steps

Stark regional differences of cancer mortality and incidence rates have been in the spotlight recently, with Cancer Research UK revealing sharp variations in geographical statistics. With data showing a north-south divide, you might find yourself asking what more can be done to address health inequalities in Britain. Are people in your community ignoring persistent symptoms? […]

The Science Behind What We Do

We were recently asked, “How will you use social marketing theory to identify behavioural determinants that can be modified?” This is an increasingly common question posed by many of our clients who want assurances that our interventions are informed by sound behavioural theory and therefore, most likely to bring about lasting, measurable change. At ICE, […]

Create a Health Legacy: Smoking Cessation

We all have tough challenges to meet and we’re sure 2013 will be no different for you. But how can we continue to make the difference and drive on the lasting health and wellness legacy, when time is short and resources are much reduced? It’s never too late! Smoking rates are a major contributor to […]

Behaviour change: smoking cessation

With 2013 fast approaching and over 100,000 people in the UK dying from smoking related causes, we know that now, more than ever, more needs to be done to support our communities and protect our most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Not only that, but we understand that you need people-centred solutions which support behaviour change […]