Tag Archives: behavioural economics


ICE campaign shortlisted for high profile behaviour change award With the first ever Nudge Awards soon approaching, we are delighted to announce that ICE has been shortlisted in the Health category for our GET MON£YSMART campaign, which we developed and delivered on behalf of Rochdale Borough Council. The Nudge Awards are organised by Ogilvy Change […]

What would make you be more energy efficient? Free fruit and bus tickets?

Successive governments have tried to ‘kickstart’ their strategy to reduce carbon emissions by focusing their attention on improving energy efficiency and cutting emissions in large public and private sector organisations.   They have, however, played ‘lip service’ to the issue of the public’s approach to energy efficiency. Most of the activity so far has centred […]

Looking beyond the nudge

Social Marketing expert Professor Jeff French argues for looking beyond the ‘nudge’ to inspire sustainable behaviour change, in the first of a series of guest blog posts: “As the political environment attempts to shift from ‘Nanny State’ to ‘Big Society’, social and behavioural theories are increasingly becoming part of the national social and political conversation. […]