Tag Archives: design

Designing a great business

You might look at me and think,”I can’t possibly take that girl with pink hair and a big smile on her face seriously. What value can she add to an organisation’s growth and development? Surely her excessive big Mac monitor, Pantone books and sketch pads can’t help an organisation flourish?” It’s common for design not […]

The power of branding and design for social good

Branding and design can do so much more than help raise awareness of an issue.  It has the power to engage and empower people to change for the better, supporting sustainable behaviour change on a range of key social issues.  Whether it’s public health, community safety or environmental responsibility, effective design has been integral to […]

Addicted to the ‘big idea’

Ideas are what our industry is built upon. We value ideas above anything else, even worship them. Walk around the ICE Agency and you’ll probably hear this phrase more than any other: ‘What’s the big idea?’ Ideas are the most incredible thing we possess. They engage, entertain (and can even cause jealousy). So often the […]

User Centred Designs… standing the test of time

There’s no doubt aesthetics are important to me. That’s why, back in the day I bought an Alfa 156 instead of that slab-faced 3 series. And I loved that car… metallic black on red leather… mucho bellissimo. But come trade in time – well, “ouch” is all that needs to be said. Aesthetics are why […]

A Brand Journey

Bedroom. 6.30. a.m. Philips radio/alarm clock; BBC Radio 4; John Lewis slippers; John Lewis again (okay, so I wear a dressing gown); Blackberry; Nokia. Bathroom. Armitage Shanks toilet, bath and shower; Andrex; Halo and Horns shampoo; Halo and Horns soap (the kids’, not mine); L’Occitane bubble bath; Herbal Extracts shampoo; Dove soap; Sensodyne toothpaste; Oral […]

Redesign the UK voting system

Common Of Houses – the competition that aims to harness the thinking of the creative community to redesign the democratic voting system – has extended its deadline due to demand. The deadline has now been stretched to Thursday (22nd)… With the judging taking place the very next day. The competition asks what Government policies and […]