Tag Archives: election

What does election mean for agencies?

The Forum of Private Business has just warned that some small businesses and marketing agencies will be heavily affected by today’s hung parliament election result. The group says a hung parliament could potentially jeopardise business planning and economic recovery by creating uncertain outcomes, and has called for MP’s to come together to form a functioning […]

Redesigning Democracy

http://www.commonofhouses.co.uk/ This website is running a competition to redesign our voting system. (See post below.) Brilliant idea in itself. Bad news – the deadline is Thursday. Good news – I’ve cracked it! One problem is, too many people don’t turn out to vote. Why? It’s inconvenient and they’re apathetic. Solution: Make voting as easy as […]

Redesign the UK voting system

Common Of Houses – the competition that aims to harness the thinking of the creative community to redesign the democratic voting system – has extended its deadline due to demand. The deadline has now been stretched to Thursday (22nd)… With the judging taking place the very next day. The competition asks what Government policies and […]

The day our new blog went live!

So an election is looming and social media is at the heart of new politics. But what does that mean to the ordinary voter. Alastair Campbell, Labour’s director of election communications at the last election, thinks political advertising is losing its effectiveness: “…public resistance to heavy messaging has grown, and for politics in particular there […]