Tag Archives: happiness

Beyond happiness to wholeness

There are so many books, blogs and social media posts out there about positive emotions and happiness, that we may be forgiven for sometimes forgetting how our darker, more negative emotions and states can actually be really beneficial too. I often engage with people across social media and digital platforms (Entheos, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, […]

If you’re happy and you know it…

Are you happy? Are you content? Do you know the difference? Is there a difference? It’s something I’ve given a lot of thought to – I always thought I was happy. I laughed almost every day, felt settled at home and at work… but did that mean I was happy? Or did I not really […]

Why birthdays – and Puffell – make me happy

Today, team ICE are celebrating. That’s because one year ago we launched Puffell – an exciting new social media platform to help people be happier, healthier and improve their wellbeing. ‘Birthdays’ and ‘Puffell’ – two words that, for me, mean happiness and a reason to celebrate. Why? Well, let’s start with birthdays. I don’t know about […]

Finding the ‘Happiness Factor’

I recently came across an interesting article, based on an economic journal study about happiness in life.  The article observes that: ‘Staying in education longer does not necessarily make someone happier, according to new research.’  The research was based on data from the UK and Germany and found that teenagers spending more time in education […]