Tag Archives: health

The Role of Behaviour Change in Local Authorities Transformation

It is fair to say most public health, organisational development and HR professionals have a good grasp of behaviour change theories. The challenge is understanding exactly how behavioural theories are used in an effective, evidence-based and scalable way. Having spent 16 years supporting local authorities teams deliver outstanding results in their communities, we have witnessed […]

Stoptober is on its way…

You can’t help but to have heard about Stoptober, the national stop smoking month. Whether it’s the adverts on the telly, posts on Facebook and Twitter, or promotional events by your stop smoking service, there is no doubt that it is on the horizon. On 1st October, smokers across the country are taking the plunge […]

4 reasons why volunteering will change your life

Are you out of work, looking for work-experience or just fancy doing a good deed for a change? Volunteering can do wonders for your life and somebody else’s. But why? 1. Volunteering makes you more employable Volunteers may wish to increase their skill set, gaining experience within various environments to improve future job prospects. Employers […]

Could pets and gardens help our ageing population?

I’m really lucky to live by the sea. All that open space, long sandy beaches, sea air and stunning views across to the Welsh mountains are a real incentive to get outdoors, take some exercise and re-charge my batteries – even more so with the warm and sunny weather we’ve been enjoying this summer. Spending […]

If you’re happy and you know it…

Are you happy? Are you content? Do you know the difference? Is there a difference? It’s something I’ve given a lot of thought to – I always thought I was happy. I laughed almost every day, felt settled at home and at work… but did that mean I was happy? Or did I not really […]

Why birthdays – and Puffell – make me happy

Today, team ICE are celebrating. That’s because one year ago we launched Puffell – an exciting new social media platform to help people be happier, healthier and improve their wellbeing. ‘Birthdays’ and ‘Puffell’ – two words that, for me, mean happiness and a reason to celebrate. Why? Well, let’s start with birthdays. I don’t know about […]

The ‘worried well’…

We are constantly bombarded with messages around health and stark news headlines warning of the latest health issue that we should be concerned about. So it’s hardly surprising that we over-examine and magnify the slightest symptoms we have; is my cough lasting more than three weeks? Do I feel bloated most days for three weeks […]

Puffell – everyone’s talking about it

Let us introduce you to a brand new digital platform like no other… a platform that will revolutionise the way we manage our health and wellbeing. Let us introduce you to Puffell. puffell.com is a unique social media platform that enables people to self-manage their own health and wellbeing. It empowers individuals, groups and communities […]

Find a penny, pick it up…and all day long you have good luck.

So, what is luck? Oxford Dictionary defines it as ‘success or failure, apparently brought by chance, rather than through one’s own actions’. Therefore, being lucky, by definition, is something you can’t control, because once you start to control it, you’re taking chance out of the equation. However, like the old adage ‘find a penny…’ many […]

Was ‘Dry January’ good for your health?

Dry January, a campaign run every year by Alcohol Concern, encourages people to stay dry for the 31 days in January  – assumingly because people eat and drink far too much over the Christmas period and then make several New Year Resolutions to not eat and drink again. Its catch phrase ‘Can you stay off […]