Tag Archives: Ian Jackson

User Centred Designs… standing the test of time

There’s no doubt aesthetics are important to me. That’s why, back in the day I bought an Alfa 156 instead of that slab-faced 3 series. And I loved that car… metallic black on red leather… mucho bellissimo. But come trade in time – well, “ouch” is all that needs to be said. Aesthetics are why […]

Doodling… a lost art?

I’m a doodler…which may not be surprising considering my creative background. Many people have doodling knocked out of them, as school becomes more serious and certainly by the time we get our careers moving. It seems inappropriate to be sat doodling in that strategic meeting. “You should be taking copious notes” – notes that later […]

Perspective is everything

This is an installation by a Swiss artist called Felice Varini, he paints projected geometric shapes into rooms and other architectural spaces. What a great visiting experience they must create as views move around in order to discover the sense of the imagery They are ‘anamorphic’ illusions – images which only create clarity from a […]