Tag Archives: ICE

What colour is the dress?

It seems the whole world was looking at one dress last week, and it was nothing to do with a celebrity on the red carpet. Just a basic question about a normal dress – ‘What colour is this dress?’ What I found really interesting about this was the debate: “It’s obviously white and gold”, “what […]

Changemakers for a better world

Check out our new ‘Changemakers’ video! It provides a flavour of the work we’re doing to help organisations, communities and individuals transform themselves, and pave the way to deliver growth, innovation and increased demand…..

Your Essential Guide to a more effective Payroll Service

How can local authorities like yours improve public service delivery, reduce costs and deliver clear, measurable outcomes for citizens? Drawing on a wealth of experience working with payroll services, we’ve collated four key areas which will help you to drive sustainable efficiencies. To read a pdf version of this blog, click here. 1.    Ensure all […]

Stop4Life: Driving towards a smokefree future

Establishing a new and innovative NHS stop smoking service and embracing the opportunities presented by the Any Qualified Provider marketplace for health services has been a demanding but rewarding challenge so far. This week has seen the official launch of ICE’s flagship new stop smoking service ‘Stop4Life’ in the West Midlands – working under the […]

Your essential guide to a more effective Taxi Licensing service

  Achieving ‘better for less’ is at the heart of service transformation. But how can organisations like yours reduce costs and deliver clear, measurable outcomes for the citizens you serve? Click here to see a pdf version of this blog   Drawing on our recent work with one local authority, we’ve highlighted five areas which […]

Five ways to support your communities into NHS Health Checks

Having worked with NHS partners throughout the UK to help them deliver Health Checks, we’ve engaged with 1000+ citizens and professionals to demonstrate how processes and pathways can be intelligently joined up to promote consistency in performance and continuity of care. Download a pdf version of this blog here A brief taster of the lessons […]

Exciting new partnership with FACT!

We’re excited to reveal Liverpool-based FACT (the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) as our latest new client. As well as being a renowned arts centre, FACT is the UK’s leading organisation for the support and exhibition of film, art and new media. Beating off stiff competition from 24 other creative agencies, we’re the agency […]

Making Change Happen: Six Steps to Effective Leadership

As a leader, we know you want to unlock your organisation’s full potential so it can achieve what it’s truly capable of. Drawing on our wide-ranging experience working with organisations across the UK, and harnessing renowned author Peter Scholte’s Leadership Competencies, here’s our quick guide to empowering your leaders to emerge stronger, more focused and […]

A momentous day in Coventry!

It’s an exciting day in Coventry, as we’ve officially opened the doors of our new office to support a series of contracts in the Midlands. It’s our fifth regional base, complementing our North West HQ (Wirral) and a presence in the South West (Bristol), South East (London) and North East (Northumberland). Initially the office will […]

Building a culture of innovation

A recent article in HR magazine, ‘Build employee engagement through a culture of innovation’ got me thinking. Although the author makes some strong arguments for creating more innovative organisations, I think there are one or two key factors missing in his thesis: I agree that purpose is key, as reducing fear is key to innovation, […]