Tag Archives: improvement

Can we all learn from something from F1’s superstars?

In his latest BBC column, ‘How keeping it simple makes me faster’, Lewis Hamilton explains his philosophy now that he’s driving for Mercedes, since moving from McLaren at the end of last season. I particularly found this an interesting read, not just as a big F1 and Lewis Hamilton fan, but because my job as an […]

Making Change Happen: Six Steps to Effective Leadership

As a leader, we know you want to unlock your organisation’s full potential so it can achieve what it’s truly capable of. Drawing on our wide-ranging experience working across the UK, and harnessing renowned author Peter Scholte’s Leadership Competencies, here’s our quick guide to empowering your leaders to emerge stronger, more focused and able to […]

Embracing and Leading Continuous Improvement Change Programmes

From our experience, we have a view that supporting sustainable long-term change offers an opportunity to create a ‘step change’ in the thinking and behaviour of leaders within any organisation. We believe that this can help build improved capability within your teams and substantially improve service capacity, whilst achieving efficiencies. At ICE, we have experience […]