Tag Archives: innovation

Designing a great business

You might look at me and think,”I can’t possibly take that girl with pink hair and a big smile on her face seriously. What value can she add to an organisation’s growth and development? Surely her excessive big Mac monitor, Pantone books and sketch pads can’t help an organisation flourish?” It’s common for design not […]

Exciting new partnership with FACT!

We’re excited to reveal Liverpool-based FACT (the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) as our latest new client. As well as being a renowned arts centre, FACT is the UK’s leading organisation for the support and exhibition of film, art and new media. Beating off stiff competition from 24 other creative agencies, we’re the agency […]

Building a culture of innovation

A recent article in HR magazine, ‘Build employee engagement through a culture of innovation’ got me thinking. Although the author makes some strong arguments for creating more innovative organisations, I think there are one or two key factors missing in his thesis: I agree that purpose is key, as reducing fear is key to innovation, […]

Take your social marketing to the next level – new mobile phone app shows you how…..

What a fantastic atmosphere at this week’s World Social Marketing Conference in Dublin!  It was great to be among so many like-minded people debating and sharing ideas. And there was certainly lots of interest in a new app we’re developing to help people draft, record and update their own systematic social marketing plans. The app’s […]

Redesigning Democracy

http://www.commonofhouses.co.uk/ This website is running a competition to redesign our voting system. (See post below.) Brilliant idea in itself. Bad news – the deadline is Thursday. Good news – I’ve cracked it! One problem is, too many people don’t turn out to vote. Why? It’s inconvenient and they’re apathetic. Solution: Make voting as easy as […]