Tag Archives: insight

What colour is the dress?

It seems the whole world was looking at one dress last week, and it was nothing to do with a celebrity on the red carpet. Just a basic question about a normal dress – ‘What colour is this dress?’ What I found really interesting about this was the debate: “It’s obviously white and gold”, “what […]

The Science Behind What We Do

We were recently asked, “How will you use social marketing theory to identify behavioural determinants that can be modified?” This is an increasingly common question posed by many of our clients who want assurances that our interventions are informed by sound behavioural theory and therefore, most likely to bring about lasting, measurable change. At ICE, […]

Innovative research techniques take to iTunes

What innovative research techniques can organisations use to understand how people behave? What about their desires, their motivations, their strongly-held beliefs? How do we dig deep and ultimately, change their behaviours? Well, our researchers have been using our ICE Research Deck to help answer these questions – and now, this innovative resource is also available […]

The ‘Crime Map’: Does information equal power?

New ICE Agency Director, and ex Police Sergeant Henry Platten, gives us his perspective on the Police Crime Map released this week by the Home Office: “It’s not often that the launch of government websites displaying incredibly complex sets of public data hits the headlines. This makes the release of public crime figures, mapped out […]