Tag Archives: local authorities

The Role of Behaviour Change in Local Authorities Transformation

It is fair to say most public health, organisational development and HR professionals have a good grasp of behaviour change theories. The challenge is understanding exactly how behavioural theories are used in an effective, evidence-based and scalable way. Having spent 16 years supporting local authorities teams deliver outstanding results in their communities, we have witnessed […]

Future Councils: Life after the spending cuts

A recent NLGN report raises some interesting questions about how councils might deal with the budget pressures they’re facing. For instance, what’s the purpose of a local authority?  Which services should it provide and which should it commission?  What is its role and how much influence should it have over how outsourced services are provided? […]

Councils need a new style of leadership

Local authorities face a challenging future and require leaders that can manage change creatively and inspire staff. A recent post by Ben Cook in the Guardian newspaper makes some interesting and valid points about what matters in terms of Council leadership.  He observes that the leaders of tomorrow need to be capable in commissioning other […]