Tag Archives: organisational change

Transforming Tewkesbury – a winning partnership!

Last week I had the pleasure of spending time at the IRRV national conference with the Revenues & Benefits Team from Tewkesbury Borough Council – and what an event it turned out to be! 12 months ago ICE began working on a transformation programme with the service and the conference was the culmination and celebration […]

The Role of Behaviour Change in Local Authorities Transformation

It is fair to say most public health, organisational development and HR professionals have a good grasp of behaviour change theories. The challenge is understanding exactly how behavioural theories are used in an effective, evidence-based and scalable way. Having spent 16 years supporting local authorities teams deliver outstanding results in their communities, we have witnessed […]

How to avoid the pitfalls of ‘Channel Shift’…

Channel Shift – the process of getting customers to use a different ‘channel’ with which they contact your organisation or business – is a major consideration when delivering great value for money. Whether public or private sector, making sure your customers and citizens are engaging with you in the most efficient way is often a […]

More Effective Planning Services: Your Essential Guide

Meeting the challenge of delivering ‘better for less’ has never been more important, but our work with local authorities provides a practical framework which could help you improve planning services, reduce costs and deliver clear, measurable outcomes for citizens. Download a pdf version of this guide here or read on for our five top tips….. […]

How to overcome fear of change: Five steps to empower your workforce

The only constant is impermanence. We often have to change, either at home, at work or our social lives to adapt to the new situation or environment we find ourselves in. A few people welcome change but most can be a bit wary of it, to say the least. So, given that change is inevitable, […]

More Effective Highways Services: Your Five Key Steps

With some of the lowest temperatures of the winter so far and the current culture of “where there’s blame, there’s a claim”, local authorities are taking a hammering on insurance payouts– and that’s driving a reactive culture which concentrates on mitigating insurance risk rather than making the streets safer. So how can councils better deal […]

Your Essential Guide to a more effective Payroll Service

How can local authorities like yours improve public service delivery, reduce costs and deliver clear, measurable outcomes for citizens? Drawing on a wealth of experience working with payroll services, we’ve collated four key areas which will help you to drive sustainable efficiencies. To read a pdf version of this blog, click here. 1.    Ensure all […]

So Change it: Five steps to sustainable behaviour change

How can you deliver sustainable, cost-effective change to meet the needs of individuals, organisations and wider communities? Whether you work in the public or private sector, recognising the essential links between organisations, their cultures and the communities they serve is key to driving long-term change. But how can you develop a framework which really works […]

Computers or People?

A recent article on the BBC health website titled ‘Better IT would save thousands of lives’ suggests that IT systems could prevent 16,000 deaths per year.  The computer system proposed is stated as being capable of ‘reminding staff to give patients their drugs’ and providing ‘surveillance on its wards’, backed up by a policy of […]

Your essential guide to a more effective Taxi Licensing service

  Achieving ‘better for less’ is at the heart of service transformation. But how can organisations like yours reduce costs and deliver clear, measurable outcomes for the citizens you serve? Click here to see a pdf version of this blog   Drawing on our recent work with one local authority, we’ve highlighted five areas which […]