Tag Archives: people-centred

Building a great website in three(ish) steps

So what is the “right way” to create a new website? Well, it’s not always an easy process – but there’s no reason it shouldn’t be simple. When it comes to creating that new website that will help people to engage with your service more effectively, help you sell more of your product range, or […]

Your Essential Guide: Transforming young people’s sexual behaviours

According to the Health Protection Agency, STIs are more common among young people than any other group. 16-24s represent only 12% of the UK population, but they account for more than half of all new STIs diagnosed and 65% of new chlamydia diagnoses. Yet they are also the least likely group to access services. So can […]

Meeting the challenge of NHS Dental Reforms: Your Essential Guide

Balancing the need for efficient and effective dental services with the drive to offer a truly people-centric patient experience is at the heart of the new commissioning landscape.  As dental practices take ownership of marketing their services to local people – often ‘in competition’ with neighbouring practices – they’re looking to increase patient numbers and […]