Tag Archives: Police

Supporting sustainable efficiencies: An Essential Guide in a new Policing Landscape

The public election of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) later this year comes amid fervent debate around resourcing and the impact of ever-decreasing budgets on frontline policing services. According to the Home Office, the stated aims of the PCCs are to cut crime, ensure community needs are met and make a difference to the lives […]

The ‘Crime Map’: Does information equal power?

New ICE Agency Director, and ex Police Sergeant Henry Platten, gives us his perspective on the Police Crime Map released this week by the Home Office: “It’s not often that the launch of government websites displaying incredibly complex sets of public data hits the headlines. This makes the release of public crime figures, mapped out […]

Bobbies on the Tweet: publicity or public engagement?

On Thursday last week, Greater Manchester Police broke new ground by using a 24 hour Twitter feed to log every 999 call that came in to them. It was a fantastic way to show the diversity of calls that they receive and their effective response strategies – arrests, warrants and  community champions. Picked up by […]