Tag Archives: So Change

How to avoid the pitfalls of ‘Channel Shift’

Channel shift – the process of getting customers to use a different ‘channel’ with which they contact your organisation or business – is a major consideration when delivering great value for money. Whether public or private sector, making sure your customers and citizens are engaging with you in the most efficient way is often a […]

Supporting sustainable efficiencies: An Essential Guide in a new Policing Landscape

The public election of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) later this year comes amid fervent debate around resourcing and the impact of ever-decreasing budgets on frontline policing services. According to the Home Office, the stated aims of the PCCs are to cut crime, ensure community needs are met and make a difference to the lives […]

Meeting the challenge of NHS Dental Reforms: Your Essential Guide

Balancing the need for efficient and effective dental services with the drive to offer a truly people-centric patient experience is at the heart of the new commissioning landscape.  As dental practices take ownership of marketing their services to local people – often ‘in competition’ with neighbouring practices – they’re looking to increase patient numbers and […]

SO Change: Our top tips to achieving sustainable behaviour change

Traditional methods of generating efficiency savings and meeting the needs of the communities we serve aren’t always adequate to meet the demand on public services. However, understanding how citizens’ motivations drive demand, could transform relationships with communities, build mutual trust and unlock savings. Our SO Change approach brings together tested principles from the world of […]

UK Social Marketing Conference: Insight, challenge, inspiration

What a great day at the UK Social Marketing Conference 2011– full of inspiring people and ideas! This week’s event in Brighton brought together thinkers and practitioners from all over the world to debate, discuss and present new thinking and evidence aimed at addressing complex issues spanning environment, crime, health and environmental awareness. Not only were we asked […]

So Change it: Five steps to sustainable behaviour change

How can you deliver sustainable, cost-effective change to meet the needs of individuals, organisations and wider communities? Whether you work in the public or private sector, recognising the essential links between organisations, their cultures and the communities they serve is key to driving long-term change. But how can you develop a framework which really works […]