Tag Archives: social change

Behaviour change: smoking cessation

With 2013 fast approaching and over 100,000 people in the UK dying from smoking related causes, we know that now, more than ever, more needs to be done to support our communities and protect our most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Not only that, but we understand that you need people-centred solutions which support behaviour change […]

Engaging Stakeholders for Effective Cancer Interventions

With recent statistics from Macmillan Cancer showing survival times for some cancers are still counted in weeks rather than years, there’s no doubt tackling the prevalence of cancer in our communities is still a major concern. Having worked with numerous NHS Trusts using a ‘push and pull’ strategy to get both internal and external partners […]

Your Essential Guide: Engaging and Encouraging Breastfeeding Mums

It’s fair to say recent media stories about breastfeeding may have left some mums feeling confused and conflicted about how best to support their baby. So it’s more important than ever to ensure breastfeeding mums and their families have access to the information and support they need – where and when they need it. In […]

The power of branding and design for social good

Branding and design can do so much more than help raise awareness of an issue.  It has the power to engage and empower people to change for the better, supporting sustainable behaviour change on a range of key social issues.  Whether it’s public health, community safety or environmental responsibility, effective design has been integral to […]

Behaviour Change: Can you contribute to international best practice?

Supporting increased engagement across international and cultural boundaries will be vital to driving sustainable change to some complex and deeply entrenched behavioural challenges for us all. That’s why I’m working with peers internationally to help build a new Europe-wide network of behaviour change specialists. With a working name of the European Social Marketing Association, it’s […]

Engaging communities: Why the power of storytelling really works

Storytelling can play a powerful role in strengthening community engagement activities and enriching people’s lives. As thousands of people across the UK prepare to take part in National Storytelling Week (28 January-4 February 2012), it’s worth considering how you can use effective storytelling to engage, educate and inspire your target audiences. DOWNLOAD A PDF VERSION […]

SO Change: Our top tips to achieving sustainable behaviour change

Traditional methods of generating efficiency savings and meeting the needs of the communities we serve aren’t always adequate to meet the demand on public services. However, understanding how citizens’ motivations drive demand, could transform relationships with communities, build mutual trust and unlock savings. Our SO Change approach brings together tested principles from the world of […]

So Change it: Five steps to sustainable behaviour change

How can you deliver sustainable, cost-effective change to meet the needs of individuals, organisations and wider communities? Whether you work in the public or private sector, recognising the essential links between organisations, their cultures and the communities they serve is key to driving long-term change. But how can you develop a framework which really works […]

Help your communities access the right services, in the right place, at the right time

With one recent study suggesting that numbers attending A&E with common medical conditions have risen a staggering 42% in the last decade*, there’s no doubt driving down the inappropriate use of unscheduled and urgent care is a major public health challenge. Having worked with numerous NHS Trusts to support communities to take more control of […]

Looking beyond the nudge

Social Marketing expert Professor Jeff French argues for looking beyond the ‘nudge’ to inspire sustainable behaviour change, in the first of a series of guest blog posts: “As the political environment attempts to shift from ‘Nanny State’ to ‘Big Society’, social and behavioural theories are increasingly becoming part of the national social and political conversation. […]