Tag Archives: social media

The Role of Social Media in Behaviour Change Social Marketing

Sustainable behaviour change is achieved after more than just the promotion of Health & Wellbeing quotes, tips and blogs via Facebook and Twitter shares likes and retweets. It requires change agents / social marketing professionals to get “in the shoes of citizens” and engage in Behavioural Insight Research + Science + Storytelling. Social Media is […]

Beyond happiness to wholeness

There are so many books, blogs and social media posts out there about positive emotions and happiness, that we may be forgiven for sometimes forgetting how our darker, more negative emotions and states can actually be really beneficial too. I often engage with people across social media and digital platforms (Entheos, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, […]

Social media is your power tool – time to give it a service!

There aren’t many organisations who are now not using social media to engage with the public. Customers, citizens, patients – however you define them – they all expect you to have a social media presence. Social media isn’t an end in itself: it’s like a power tool. You don’t need a drill, you need a […]

Puffell – everyone’s talking about it

Let us introduce you to a brand new digital platform like no other… a platform that will revolutionise the way we manage our health and wellbeing. Let us introduce you to Puffell. puffell.com is a unique social media platform that enables people to self-manage their own health and wellbeing. It empowers individuals, groups and communities […]

Writing web copy that really works: Top five tips

“79% of web users skim rather than read”, according to the so-called ‘king of usability’, Jakob Neilson. So why do so many organisations still treat their websites as a marketing ‘push’ rather than gearing their web copy up to ‘pull’ in web users? Web users are fundamentally goal orientated and want to control their online […]

Your five top tips: Making the most of social media

80% of people online can be reached through social media Every 1 in 4.5 minutes online are spent on a social site in the UK. While many people want to ‘do something with social media’, they often aren’t aware of how it fits in with their existing communications – or don’t realise its full potential […]

What’s better – being controversial or being authentic?

Being provocative is nothing new in advertising and marketing. Since the year dot, ads have used sex to sell products, for example, even tire valve caps. The recent attempt at using controversial ‘humour’ by Hakanoa Ginger Beer in New Zealand proved particularly disastrous as they link their product with red haired children. Unsurprisingly, they’ve apologised […]

Pinterest: Flash in the pan or the next big thing?

There’s been a real online buzz around Pinterest, the latest social networking sensation, in recent months. But what exactly is Pinterest, and what’s propelling its rise? For the uninitiated, Pinterest does exactly what it says on the tin – with members able to ‘pin’ things that interest them in their personal and professional lives onto […]

Using Social Media to meet the Export Challenge

Earlier this week I was invited to speak at a UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) ‘Export Challenge’ event. The UKTI says exporters are 12 times more likely to survive than other businesses and the session was all about inspiring and supporting small businesses to encourage exports and spread into new markets. So it was great […]

Making the most of Digital Communications for CDRPs: Five top tips

Whether you’re aiming to tackle violence and anti-social behaviour, increase community confidence or improve the flexibility of local services, digital communications can be a powerful tool to help CDRPs engage a wide cross-section of local communities. But faced with a range of complex challenges and pressures, how can you best use these tools and techniques […]