Tag Archives: sustainability

Under pressure to reach your sustainability targets?

Imagine a land where the waste we produce grows greater day-by-day. A land where recycling rates are poor, with an increasing demand on services AND increasing pressure on budgets… Not so far from the truth? Now imagine an approach which could save you an estimated £100,000+ in service efficiencies, empower staff to work together collaboratively […]

Growth, sustainability, regeneration

It’s my firm belief that small businesses are vital to growth, sustainability and regeneration. As a company, we’re proud to be part of a thriving business community, so it’s been very rewarding to have been chosen to work as ‘Business Support Managers’ for the Invest Wirral team. As part of our corporate and social responsibility […]

To Shwop, or not to Shwop?

It’s been interesting to see Marks and Spencers’ new ‘Shwopping’ initiative this week – a clothes shopping and swapping scheme which will see all M&S stores accepting unwanted clothing of any brand, all year round. With clothes being resold, reused or recycled through Oxfam, the thinking is it will help reduce landfill. Looking at it […]

Embracing and Leading Continuous Improvement Change Programmes

From our experience, we have a view that supporting sustainable long-term change offers an opportunity to create a ‘step change’ in the thinking and behaviour of leaders within any organisation. We believe that this can help build improved capability within your teams and substantially improve service capacity, whilst achieving efficiencies. At ICE, we have experience […]